10-th anniversary of killing four Roma in Oberwart, Austria
Between 1993 and 1996 several persons were injured by letter bombs; a pipe bomb placed at Oberwarth, province of Burgenland, killed four Roma. Accompanying letters were signed by some "Bajuvarische Befreiungsfront" and "Graf Ruediger von Starhemberg", leader of the fight against the Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683.
You can get more info on Burgenland Roma ( here), and (here). This last one is in German. These three photos were taken on Saturday, the 15.th of January when they've chosen and promoted a new Roma queen. Besides Langa, a gypsy group from Slovenia, there was also a gypsy guy who imitated Elvis Presley. The best imitator i ever heard, truly!
You can get more info on Burgenland Roma ( here), and (here). This last one is in German. These three photos were taken on Saturday, the 15.th of January when they've chosen and promoted a new Roma queen. Besides Langa, a gypsy group from Slovenia, there was also a gypsy guy who imitated Elvis Presley. The best imitator i ever heard, truly!

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