Wednesday, 15. 03.2006
One hour show with KOLEKTIF
Thursday, 15. 03.2006 at 23.00 (Central European Time)
Last year i organized a low (no) budget ethno-music festival here in Maribor, Slovenia called
"Etnika". Two weeks ago a good friend of mine told me about the turkish musician who was in our town at the moment for a very pleasant reason: he was visiting his girlfriend he is in love with.Then we met and talked about this and that and of course - the possibility of getting his Turkish band onto the stage of our festival. His name is Safak Velioglu and he plays on a very interesting instrument setar, which is a traditional persian four stringed lute. More about setar here.
Then Safak went to Sofia where he's been situated recently and a few days later i got this cd from his girlfriend. The music on this cd was a total surprise for me in terms of quality. There is a bunch of some of the finest musicians from Istanbul who joined the project of Kolektif, like Selim Sesler, the guy who participated at this famous film "Crossing the bridge" by Fatih Akin.
Here's the complete line up:
Richard Laniepce: Saksafon alto/tenor/ bariton, mey, dvoyanka, kaval, Aslı Doğan: Vokal, Birol Topaloğlu: Tulum, Vokal, Osman Aktaş: Kaval , Zhubin Kalhor: Kamaçe, Şafak Velioğlu: Setar, Metin İbrahim Uğur: Çello, Orhan Osman: Yunan Lavtası, Cümbüş, Cura, Baglamadaki Tamer Ahmet: Akordeon, Selim Sesler: Sol Klarnet, Mahmut Dahil: Sib Klarnet, Asma Davul, Recep Sırplıoğlu: Kaba Zurna, Geri Vokal, Kemal Oksal: Tuba, Ertan Sahin: Bariton, Geri Vokal, İzzet Kızıl: Tabla, Kanjira, Zarb, Uğur Göregen: Udu, Erbane, Bendir, Çetin Erlik: Tef, Darbuka, Zil, Şerif Kum: Asma Davul, Cubuklu Darbuka, Ediz Hafızoğlu: Davul, Funda Güllü: Geri Vokal, Sedat Özden: Geri Vokal, Koray Kesik: Islık
They don't have their own website and if you google Kolektif, you'll find only articles and reviews in Turkish language.
Safak promised me to send some more info about the band in english.
The music is fantastic! You can buy their cd here.
Wednesday, 15. 03.2006
One hour show with KOLEKTIF
Thursday, 15. 03.2006 at 23.00 (Central European Time)
Last year i organized a low (no) budget ethno-music festival here in Maribor, Slovenia called
"Etnika". Two weeks ago a good friend of mine told me about the turkish musician who was in our town at the moment for a very pleasant reason: he was visiting his girlfriend he is in love with.Then we met and talked about this and that and of course - the possibility of getting his Turkish band onto the stage of our festival. His name is Safak Velioglu and he plays on a very interesting instrument setar, which is a traditional persian four stringed lute. More about setar here.

Here's the complete line up:
Richard Laniepce: Saksafon alto/tenor/ bariton, mey, dvoyanka, kaval, Aslı Doğan: Vokal, Birol Topaloğlu: Tulum, Vokal, Osman Aktaş: Kaval , Zhubin Kalhor: Kamaçe, Şafak Velioğlu: Setar, Metin İbrahim Uğur: Çello, Orhan Osman: Yunan Lavtası, Cümbüş, Cura, Baglamadaki Tamer Ahmet: Akordeon, Selim Sesler: Sol Klarnet, Mahmut Dahil: Sib Klarnet, Asma Davul, Recep Sırplıoğlu: Kaba Zurna, Geri Vokal, Kemal Oksal: Tuba, Ertan Sahin: Bariton, Geri Vokal, İzzet Kızıl: Tabla, Kanjira, Zarb, Uğur Göregen: Udu, Erbane, Bendir, Çetin Erlik: Tef, Darbuka, Zil, Şerif Kum: Asma Davul, Cubuklu Darbuka, Ediz Hafızoğlu: Davul, Funda Güllü: Geri Vokal, Sedat Özden: Geri Vokal, Koray Kesik: Islık
They don't have their own website and if you google Kolektif, you'll find only articles and reviews in Turkish language.
Safak promised me to send some more info about the band in english.
The music is fantastic! You can buy their cd here.
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